However, it isn't pretty now.
It appears to be leaking orange ink. I have asked a few people who also said that their ink started to leak for the first few days and my dad said something about them putting in too much colour to cover against things like this happening.
I've never had a tattoo be
fore, I don't know if this is something to worry about. My mum has one but her's is on her shoulder so she wouldn't have noticed so much and my dad has two but had them so long ago he doesn't remember. I'm not entirely sure what to do.
I had a similar issue when I had a nasty cold at uni. I've had colds before, but I've never been sick on my own before. I've always had my mum to stroke my hair and give me medicine and fetch me water, but most of all to tell me when I need to worry about something.
I had an issue with my throat (I won't give you details because it's kind of gross), and I rang her up before my lecture to check that it was a normal thing that you have during a cold. Perfectly normal, perfectly reasonable reason, and perfectly helpful advice to go to the doctors if it didn't go away.
I got better. It was fine. I have since got sick again, but that's not the point.
Anyway, the tattoo doesn't hurt anymore and seems to have stopped leaking ink. However, it has started itching, which is both good and bad.
Good because apparently this means it's healing, but bad because it's really freaking itchy.