I've had more to drink tonight than I had the whole of freshers' week.
This sounds MUCH worse than it is.
I had three drinks on the second night and two on the third and that was all I drank all week.
I always ask people not to judge me when I get drunk and then write a blog post - which has only happened twice I think, but expect it to happen quite a bit in the future. I don't know what it is about the alcohol in my bloodstream that makes me want to type into my computer for anybody who may be reading. However, it's not a strategy I'd recommend, because I honestly feel like the keys are switching around on the keyboard to trick me as I'm typing.
But since freshers' week, I think the concern I've had is that people will judge me if I'm not drinking.
It comes with the 'student' label. People think we're all borderline alcoholics who drink through our student loans and then beg money off our parents for bread and milk. And while this is true of some students, it isn't true of any that I've met so far - or at least as far as I know.
While we were on our Big Night Out, my wonderful freshers' rep kept telling me not to feel bad that I wasn't drinking; as long as I was having a good time then everything was fine. At the time I didn't feel bad at all but - and it may have something to do with the idea being planted in my head - I've begun to get a little worried that people might think I'm boring if I go out and don't drink anything. Or if I come home early because I don't feel well or my knee is sore (I did discover last night for anyone with knee problems caused by poor foot posture such as mine, high heeled boots are the way forward. My feet have never given out before my knees on a night out, until last night).
My flatmates are probably reading this. Please don't tell me either way, it's not something I'd really like to know the answer to.
I don't really care if people do think I am boring, it's just something that crosses my mind when I'm in bed at midnight, only slightly tipsy, with a hot water bottle on my sore knee while everyone else is in Sugarhouse.
It occurs to me now, that I don't even know where Sugarhouse is. That's how bad a student I am.
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