I asked because I seem to write in the early hours of the morning. I mean just look at the timestamps of some of my posts. It has even got to the point where sometimes I write 4 or 5 posts in a three hour period (usually midnight - 3am) and then schedule them all to post at different times or just save them to my drafts for editing.
A lot of the time I find myself coming up with great ideas just as I'm about to go to sleep. This probably ties in with me having to go to bed during my most creative hours because of the social issues of having lectures, seminars, lab classes, note typing and shopping that all need some attention during the daylight hours. If it's the weekend then it's fine to get out of bed and type away at my computer because I don't have anything that needs to be done in the morning, but I don't have this liberty when I have a 9 o'clock lecture and have to be asleep by midnight for my full 8 hours.
What am I to do in this situation?
The other day I got myself out of bed and wrote (about birthdays http://dft.ba/-1AF). Only had a midday start so it wasn't too bad but it was still a bit of a hassle.
I've been having trouble writing poetry recently, but I've been blogging as much as possible for a similar release that I get when I write poetry. I've started a writer's notebook on the advice of a creative writing lecturer - even though I'm no longer taking that course. It's currently empty, but the fact that its there is a step forward.
Separate from this is my blogger's notebook. Which currently contains random scrawlings about my 5 people and a great (or I think it's great) idea that popped into my head earlier as I was settling down for a nap (Side note: naps are awesome, and I don't want to hear anything otherwise from my flatmates okay!).
I also lose my ability to spell at about this time, and have to proofread several times, but that's life I guess.
For the record:
John Green writes in the morning.
Caroline Smailes writes at night but sometimes in the morning - never the afternoon.
Side notes in tiny font :)
Guided tour of Mini is going to have to take a break for a while while I have no decent camera to take pictures. Please return to your hotels and enjoy the other features of this package, all at no extra cost.
4 people posts are coming soon (one of them has even been written once before I recycled it like the idiotic eco-warrior I am and now have to rewrite it). Be patient, I'm only creative three hours a day at a time where I need to be asleep!